
With its outstanding technologies and culturally rich heritage, Japan makes the perfect place to study and travel. Studying abroad in Japan itself is a learning experience for any student; especially those studying science, technology, finance or industrial design are of interest to you. Japan is amongst the most technologically advanced in the world and its manufacturing of electronics, appliances and motor vehicles is quickly changing the world.
Moreover, the Japanese government is keen to attract more international students, and has set a target of having 300,000 foreign students in the country by 2020. As a result, universities are focusing on making life easier for foreign students, from the application process all the way through to finding a job after graduation. One thing that will certainly help to attract international students is the introduction of more courses taught partly or entirely in English.
Now, let’s look for the more reasons why studying in Japan offers an once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for students from around the globe;
  • You will be part of world-class education
  • You will feel welcomed and desired by schools and universities.
  • You can both study and save money.
  • Living in Japan will expose you to its dynamic culture, heritage and world-renowned cuisine.
  • Japan is one of the safest countries in the world and the peaceful country to study
  • Tuition fees are cheap in Japan compare to USA and UK.
  • A wide range of scholarships are available, both from the university, and from public and private organizations.
  • You can explore new and interesting sports like karate, judo and sumo wrestling or enjoy old favorites like surfing, diving and baseball when you study abroad in Japan.
  •  Japan is home to anime; manga, and karaoke. Why not brush up on your drawing skills, read a Japanese comic book and sing your heart out while you’re studying in Japan?
  • Japan is decorated with stunningly beautiful scenery and architecture. Simply opening your eyes while you’re studying abroad in Japan will make for a breathtaking experience.
  • And if you are interested in designing and art, advertising study field in Japan offers an opportunity to participate in the country's beautiful design industry.
And talking about the universities, Japan’s strongest global ranking is currently claimed by the University of Tokyo, which ranks 34th in the QS World University Rankings 2016/17. Close behind are Kyoto University (joint 37th) and Tokyo Institute of Technology (56th), with a further 36 Japanese universities ranked among the world’s best.
Though, living and studying in Japan is expensive compared to many countries, but worry not the Japanese government has also introduced additional financial support for foreign students. Various university scholarships and grants are available through the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) and the Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO).